-The Solution Set Of 10x+10 = 40: * 3 6 9 10 13,

-The solution set of 10x+10 = 40: * 3 6 9 10 13



  • » We can say that the solution set of this equation of the first degree is equal to: S = {3}.

● With the indicated equation:

  \: \boxed{10 × 10 = 40}

● Method to calculate:

  • » To solve this equation of the first degree, we will isolate "10x" to the right side of the equality, and we will move the positive number +10 to the other side of the equality by subtracting. Next, lets isolate "x" and finally divide both sides of the equation between each other.

10x + 10 = 40

10x = 40 - 10

10x = 30

x =  \frac{30}{10}

x = 3

  \: \boxed{S = 3} √

