1. What Would Be Your Mother2019s Reaction To Your Friend2019s Gesture?, 2. What Would Be Your Reaction/S To Your Friend After She Says Those Words?, 3. Is

1. What would be your mother's reaction to your friend's gesture?

2. What would be your reaction/s to your friend after she says those words?

3. Is there something wrong with the friend's response to your mother's hospitality?

4. Why do you think it is wrong? Is asking for payment always wrong? When do you think is it appropriate?

1. my mother would be surprised because of what my friend showed to my mother.

2. I would not have thought that she say those words.

3. yes, because my mother cooked for us and my mother wouldnt charge the food that she gave to us.

4. its not that wrong to ask how much to pay, its just shes my friend and its okay if she wouldnt pay because its my mothers treat her because it is like my mother is thankful for her because she is my friend.

when shes buying stuffs to my mother.

hope it helps.
